GENERICO.ruМедицина"Safe" foods that harm the figure are worse than chocolate

«Safe» foods that harm the figure are worse than chocolate

They increase blood sugar.

The so-called «hidden » Sugar is the most dangerous, it is he who is most often to blame for elevated blood glucose levels and cell resistance to insulin. Unfortunately, it is often hidden even in those products that we used to consider safe.

Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend giving up sweets completely: glucose is the most accessible “fuel” for our cells, as well as an affordable way to cheer up and relieve anxiety. To stay healthy and not disturb a healthy insulin balance, it is worth controlling the amount of sugar — and paying special attention to those products in which sugar and its derivatives may be hidden. We've rounded up five foods that pretend to be healthy, but in fact can be more sugar-saturated than a chocolate bar.

Protein Bars

Do you think this is an easy way to quickly fill a protein deficiency, satisfy hunger and recharge your energy? Read the ingredients carefully: many of them contain more sugar than actual protein. Individual specimens may contain up to 30 grams of sugar — almost a daily allowance!

Yogurt with filler

Yogurt is an excellent product for breakfast and an almost perfect snack… But only if it contains nothing but yogurt itself. Ready-made cups filled with fruits or berries can contain up to six teaspoons of sugar — this is too much for both adults and children.

Sun-dried cranberries

A very healthy berry that can be eaten fresh — or added dried to morning porridge, pastries or yogurt. But before buying, check if sugar syrup was used in the manufacture: the fact is that cranberries are a tart berry, and many manufacturers try to compensate for the sour taste with the help of syrup. And we get up to 30 grams of sugar from each serving of berries. An unforgivable amount.

Grape juice

Strictly speaking, fruit juices are generally worth drinking in exceptional cases: they lack fiber, which controls the absorption of glucose, which is why after each glass of juice we get real insulin an injection. But grape juice is perhaps the most dangerous: an ordinary glass contains 36 grams of sugar — too much.

If you are a woman and especially if you are over 40 years old, you should completely abandon skim milk products: than the older we get, the more we need calcium, and calcium (as well as vitamin D), which is also abundant in dairy products, is not absorbed without enough fat. Need more arguments? Almost all products that are «free» of fat are supersaturated with sugar — to enhance the taste.


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