Snow covered car. File photoMOSCOW, Jan 21 It is necessary to prepare the car for a trip on a snowy road. Including, you need to change the car into studded wheels. It is also important to have a set of tools with you with a shovel, a jack, a cable and anti-slip chains in case you fall into a snow trap, Igor Boyarsky, director of service for one of the divisions of the Avilon group, told the Prime agency. «If you have a car» sat «on the bottom, then you can use the jack and lift it. But on the snow it will be very difficult to do this, since the jack will also get stuck in it. Therefore, if possible, then first you need to put some kind of board under the jack itself, lift the wheel, and then put something under the wheel itself,» the auto expert advised. As for anti-slip chains, the specialist recommended putting them on in advance, putting on chains if the car is already stuck in the snow is much more difficult, the agency's interlocutor emphasized and warned that in no case should you slip. The more you slip, the more you bury your car, and it will be more difficult to get out, Boyarsky added. An auto expert explained how to properly inflate tires in winter