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The State Department responded to statements about pushing Ukraine into conflict

U.S. Department of State Building in Washington DCWASHINGTON, Jan 20 The U.S. State Department called the statement «fiction» about the fact that the West is pushing Ukraine towards a conflict without giving confirmation of its position. In a widespread message, which the State Department called a «collection of facts», theses are given and they are «debunked». For example, the State Department calls «fiction» the information that Ukraine is an aggressor in relations with the Russian Federation. The US Foreign Office considers Russia's «false accusations of the victim» to be a «fact».Biden said what the United States would call Russia's «invasion» of Ukraine In contrast to this, the «fact» for the State Department is the initiation of the crisis around Ukraine by Russia by deploying forces on the border. The State Department does not provide substantiation for its rejections or confirmation of «facts». The State Department does not believe in statements that military movements within Russia are simply redeployment. «This is a clear new Russian threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,» the department says. The US planning of a chemical weapons attack in the Donbass is a fiction, but the participation of the United States and Russia in a convention to ban it is a fact, the State Department points out. «There are no reliable reports that that any ethnic Russians or Russian speakers are being threatened by the government of Ukraine,” the State Department continues, dismissing the “fiction” that Russia is protecting ethnic Russians in Ukraine. promises not to expand. The department counters this thesis by stating that NATO is a defensive alliance. «Russia has land borders with 14 countries, only five of them are NATO members,» concludes the State Department. =»/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/e031b7f3c4c2ccb0654767b742ec2b46.jpg» />U.S. calls Ukraine a burden on NATO sanctions, and is not looking for a way out of the situation. The State Department calls disinformation statements that the United States supports «color revolutions» in countries neighboring the Russian Federation.


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