GENERICO.ruРоссия"This is what war is." 18+

«This is what war is.» 18+


Shocking content. 18+.

Libya , March 2011. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

About the war in recent years began to speak somehow quite easily. And people from power, and their servants from the TV. They calculate the flight time of missiles, they boast of superiority in the arms race, they don't even seem to be very afraid of nuclear war. Why? Because the troubles of war are what will not happen to them. As they think. They themselves hope to sit out in bunkers or on TV. They definitely won't rot in the trenches. And they will also find how to save their children from the war. A boy from Surgut or Krasnoyarsk will go to war on a foreign land. And his mother will then stand over the sealed coffin. Yes, and not the fact that there will be this very coffin. What will not be buried somewhere like a dog.

They who promote war today are either cynical scoundrels or madmen. What are we? Will we have the strength to stop this before it's too late?

«Syndicate-100» publishes a series of photographs taken in different wars of the last century. Don't look away. Look at these photos carefully. This is war.

Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. March 26, 2015. Soldiers load ammunition into an old APC at a training camp near Dnepropetrovsk. Photo: Yuri Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Donetsk airport. February, 2015 Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Libya, March 2011. Photo: Yuri Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta class=»SingleImage_caption__2bWvj»>

Libya, March 2011. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Libya, March 2011. Photo: Yuri Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta class=»SingleImage_caption__2bWvj»>

Libya, March 2011. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

The former Russian cultural center in Kabul has become a haven for hundreds of addicts. Afghanistan, May 2009. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Afghan Shiites beat themselves with chains in memory of Ashura. Kabul, Afghanistan, May 2009. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Iraqis detained by US Marines in Fallujah. Iraq, November 19, 2004. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Funeral. Tikrit. Iraq. August 2, 2003. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

A cemetery worker carries a reusable coffin to storage after the burial of a woman killed in an explosion in Baghdad. Iraq, March 31, 2003. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Tsentoroi, Chechnya. December 16, 1999. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Homs, Syria. May 12, 2014. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Volunteers remove bodies from the streets of Tripoli. Libya, August 28, 2011. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Beslan. North Ossetia, September 2004. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Beslan. North Ossetia, September 2004. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

At Al Kindi Hospital. A wounded child, his entire family was killed in a rocket attack on the southern outskirts of Baghdad. Iraq, April 1, 2003

Tskhinvali, August 18, 2008. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta

Grozny, Chechnya, January 2000. Photo: Yury Kozyrev/Novaya Gazeta


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