GENERICO.ruМедицинаDoctors called the consequences of the complete rejection of caffeine

Doctors called the consequences of the complete rejection of caffeine

Quitting caffeine is worth it.

You've been trying and failing for a long time «Get off» your morning coffee? Do you replace clean water with 4-5 cups of tea a day? These facts will help stimulate your desire to part with caffeinated products, or at least reduce their amount to a minimum.

It has long been proven how quickly addiction to caffeine is acquired, and how difficult it is to give it up later. According to scientists, even people who previously drink only one cup of coffee a day can experience unpleasant symptoms — however, they will not last very long. There are dozens of reasons why we should all cut out a lot of caffeinated foods. And this is what we get if we decide to change our habits in the direction of gaining health.

You may be tormented by headaches

Caffeine is a double-edged sword when it comes to headaches. So it turns out that  its excessive use often leads to unpleasant symptoms, and  complete rejection of it also promises several days of ailments. Science explains the mechanism of this phenomenon. The fact is that, getting into the body, caffeine constricts blood vessels by about 27%. After its complete removal, the gaps in the  vessels return to their previous sizes. Both and the processes can be accompanied by a headache.

You can lose some weight

Quitting coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks completely can actually help you lose weight. Although one cup of coffee contains only 2 kcal, the drink often «gets» the energy value due to additional additives — especially if you order it in a coffee shop. So, a large glass of caramel macchiato with 2% milk supplies your body with 250 kcal and 33 grams of sugar. Just think how many extra calories are you gaining by buying coffee on the go?

You may get constipated

Caffeine has a local irritant effect that stimulates the digestive system. According to scientists, it may also be related to the human microbiome. Studies show that with a sharp refusal of caffeine, there may be difficulties with the release of the intestine. If you decide to radically change your habits, be sure to increase your intake of clean water and fiber-rich vegetables and fruits.

You will sleep better

Caffeine has been proven to directly affect our wake and sleep cycles. Do you think that without  a cup of morning coffee, you just won't be able to wake up? It only seems to you. In fact, herbal tea or even warm water will invigorate you just as well.

The first days of energy supply may be lacking

Still, it is impossible to deny that coffee is a stimulant. And although the effect of caffeine is short-lived (usually the vigor phase lasts no more than an hour), this is the time when a person who is accustomed to a drink feels most efficient. If completely giving up coffee, tea, and other drinks containing caffeine, you may feel sleepy for the first few days. To avoid this contrast with your normal state, reduce your caffeine dose gradually — for example, drink coffee every few days, and fill the gaps with decaffeinated coffee or a chicory drink.

Teeth will become whiter

Complete failure from coffee and tea means, among other things, farewell to ugly dark spots on the enamel (and to its destruction). Congratulations, you are on your way to a snow-white smile!

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