MOSCOW, 22 Jan. Former UFC champion and actor Oleg Taktarov shared details of the beating incident that occurred in Mexico. Earlier, Senior Russian Consul in Mexico Andrey Troyanovsky said that Taktarov was beaten in the Riviera Maya tourist area.
" ;I asked you not to terrorize people, bring all your problems to me, I say, and let them go home. They gave me a blow to the back of my head, I think with a baseball bat, an internal hematoma. Ten just jumped over me, woke up from the fact that I was suffocating, I had a T-shirt on my nose, I wanted to breathe, and they beat me. One jumped on handcuffs, they were fastened behind my back, some kind of fishing line pulled my legs together. For 30-40 minutes I lay and did not move, but they continued to beat me anyway", said Taktarov, whose commentary is given by journalist Alexander Lyutikov.
The athlete said that the arrival of the police saved his life.
&# 34;Some kind of super-mafia structure. When the police arrived, I breathed a sigh of relief, I knew that I would survive, because every second I thought I was going to die. I just couldn't get enough air. It turned out that it was the federal police, in general, they treated me quite professionally", added Taktarov.
Taktarov is 54 years old, he is the first UFC champion in Russian history. In total, he spent 22 fights in mixed fights and won 17 victories.