GENERICO.ruМедицинаNamed dried fruit, useful for the health of blood vessels and heart

Named dried fruit, useful for the health of blood vessels and heart

Add raisins to your diet.

Raisins are good for health person. In particular, they help with heart disease and diabetes. In addition, they support the work of the digestive system. > The benefits of raisins

As you know, raisins — it's dried grapes. In particular, it comes in different colors, from golden to dark brown-black. It is used to complement savory or sweet dishes.

This dried fruit also contains sugar and a certain amount of calories, so you should not abuse them.

The composition of raisins contains a large amount of fiber, potassium and antioxidants , which help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and prevent heart disease and diabetes.

In addition, the fiber in raisins helps with digestion.

Raisins contain substances that help achieve a healthy balance in the mouth and fight bacteria.

It is best to eat this dried fruit in the morning. It is in this case that it will bring maximum benefit to the body.

Eating a handful of raisins for breakfast allows you to make up for the deficiency of potassium and magnesium.


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