GENERICO.ruВ миреThe EC spoke about the support of residents due to rising energy prices

The EC spoke about the support of residents due to rising energy prices

Ukrgasdobycha gas production company in the Lviv region. File photoBRUSSELS, Jan 22 The EU's measures to support consumers in the face of soaring energy prices are estimated at more than 21 billion euros, European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson told reporters. She recalled that in recent months, gas prices in the world have reached historic highs. This affected, in particular, electricity tariffs in the EU, which made it difficult for some citizens and companies to pay their respective bills. «Actions taken by member countries to protect consumers amounted (in monetary terms — ed.) to more than 21 billion euros,” said the Commissioner. According to her, these measures do not include support related to tax breaks. However, Simson added, all the steps taken are not enough to completely resolve the current situation.


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