GENERICO.ruКультураAnna Trincher admitted how much her new breasts cost

Anna Trincher admitted how much her new breasts cost

She paid $6,000 for breast augmentation.

Actress and blogger Anna Trincher showed the result of her plastic surgery for the first time. As you know, the star of the series «School» recently underwent breast augmentation surgery, reports the with reference to the Facts. the cost and well-being of the girl herself.

Trincher reported that she paid 6 thousand dollars for breast augmentation surgery. In      s words, «it's a little higher than the standard price.» But Anna decided for herself that everything related to the body should be done by a super professional. Therefore, such a high price did not embarrass her.

In the story of her Instagram account, Trincher showed the result. The girl posed for the camera in a special bandage. She unbuttoned her outerwear in such a way that she showed her new breasts.

Judging by the expression on her face, the actress is pleased with the result . Anna is currently in rehabilitation. She is forced to wear a bandage that rubs her skin.


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