Cough — not a disease, but only a symptom.
Dr. Komarovsky criticized the popular folk remedy, which many people still treat coughs, sincerely believing that it helps. We are talking about a radish with honey: a deepening is made in the vegetable, honey is added there, and the juice of this radish is drunk along with honey.
Thus, the Honored Doctor of Ukraine says that coughing usually occurs with SARS (acute respiratory viral infection), and it lasts approximately 5-7 days. In fact, a cough after a week or a little more goes away on its own. But if during this period you have time to take radish juice with honey, you may decide that it was this miracle remedy that cured the cough.
«In fact, if you convince yourself that carrot juice is mixed with parsley cures cough … And when you get sick next time with an acute respiratory infection and start drinking carrot juice with parsley, then in ten days this cough will pass, then you will decide that this same carrot juice with parsley helped you & # 187;, & # 8212; says the doctor.
The pediatrician is ironic that he can come up with 150 such recipes.
It is important to understand that in any case, coughing is not a disease. First you need to hear the name of the disease, because there is no such disease as a runny nose, cough, headache. These are only symptoms.
«What kind of cough are you going to treat with radish with honey? Obstructive bronchitis? Pneumonia? Coronavirus? Flu? Allergy? What are you going to treat? I can say for sure — there is no such disease, the modern treatment protocols for which consider radish with honey as an effective remedy», — added Komarovsky.
The pediatrician advises to live away from grandmothers, who, as a rule, impose these prehistoric methods of treatment on the modern generation. But if suddenly a child asks you for a radish with honey, then this can be given. This will not help, but at least the sick child will calm down.
Cough is treated with plenty of fluids and humidity from 40 to 60 percent. Therefore, instead of rubbing the unfortunate radish and adding honey there, go better wash the floor, open the window and give the child compote to drink.