Step of idols

Roman Rudenko during an accusatory speech in the Hall of Columns at the House of the Unions at an open court session of the Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court in the case of American pilot Francis Harry Powers. Photo: Vladimir Savostyanov/TASS

Novosibirsk is slowly becoming the All-Russian «Museon» — so, if anyone does not know, is the name of the Moscow park, where at one time they began to bring sculptural images of former leaders abolished from the capital's streets and squares. A flock of different-sized Lenins in the same clearing, along with Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, is still impressive. Next to them, at first, lay a huge Stalin with a bruised nose, Dzerzhinsky towered in his famous overcoat, Sverdlov was in a hurry somewhere … Stalin was raised to his feet over the past years; Dzerzhinsky was put on a pedestal and they are trying hard to return to the square under the windows of the organization he created. The last time they even decided to hold a «referendum» all-Moscow, in full confidence that they will succeed. It hasn't worked out yet.

And now about Rudenko in Novosibirsk.

Stalin is already in this city. For many years they tried to drag him to a worthy place, but the force of resistance was great; I had to put it behind a fence on «private territory» — near the building of the regional committee of the Communist Party. The noise was still big, all over the country. But the dogs bark, the caravan moves on. Although the appeal of the communists to private property was especially impressive, if you think about it. But there seems to be no one to think about.

Now, then, Roman Rudenko. The initiative, as they say, is Moscow — in honor of the 300th anniversary of the prosecutor's office. For three centuries they have not found anything better: still — six Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor … Hero of Socialist Labor …

Labor was truly socialist. A rare member of the «special troikas» (in 1937 they were created in all regions of the country for the most accelerated consideration of cases of enemies of the people) survived the era of the «great terror».

All the first secretaries of the regional committees, all prosecutors, all the heads of the UNKVD , as a rule, at the same time they were shot themselves. But not Rudenko!

Even in Ukraine, merciless to the “enemies”, his Donetsk “troika” was able to set a record, many times exceeding the generous thousandth “limits” of execution sentences set by Moscow. And Rudenko himself, as declassified documents now testify, was present at the executions (this, in any case, is recorded in the certificates, sealed with Rudenkov's signature).

After the war, Rudenko became the chief Soviet prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials. True, the American legal scholar Beat van Schaak characterizes Rudenko and his colleague (judge) Nikitchenko as professional Soviet bureaucrats who were clearly below the level of legal luminaries sent to the Nuremberg trials by the Western allies. Rudenko was never able, although he tried very hard, to «sew» on the Nazis and the Katyn execution of the Poles by the Chekists in 1940. Because of this, his deputy Nikolai Zorya was urgently recalled to his homeland, but prudently did not go — he shot himself.

Anyway, we have just released a film about Nuremberg. Roman Rudenko was played by our most versatile artist — Sergei Bezrukov (Pushkin, Yesenin, Vysotsky … Now here is a Soviet prosecutor). And before that, in 2015, another film with a good name «Incorruptible» was released … It is also about him — about Rudenko.

The death of “the best friend of Soviet lawyers” served as a powerful catalyst for Roman Andreevich’s career: in 1953 he became the Prosecutor General of the USSR and immediately conducted an investigation into the Beria case, brilliantly proving that he was, among other things, a longtime British spy. After that, he spent 27 years in the chair of the chief supervisor of compliance with laws. So

Rudenko's signature is invariably present under many documents that are shameful for Soviet justice. 

… Now, then, a monument in Novosibirsk. Monument to a lawyer, most famous for his fidelity to power as such. And ready to do anything to fulfill her will.

Photo: Novosibirsk prosecutor's office region

Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Dmitry Demeshin, who participated in the grand opening of the monument, stressed that Rudenko acted as the chief state prosecutor from the USSR at the Nuremberg trials in 1945-1946, and also took an active part in rehabilitation and justification of the victims of political repressions.

The opening ceremony was also attended by the governor of the Novosibirsk region Andrey Travnikov, the chairman of the regional Legislative Assembly Andrey Shimkiv and the mayor of Novosibirsk Anatoly Lokot.

Earlier, the city's artistic council refused to approve the idea of ​​the monument — due to the fact that both references to the hero turned out to be in blatant contradiction. In addition, it is not clear what relation Roman Aleksandrovich had specifically to Novosibirsk?

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