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Trichologist told how to revive brittle and dull hair

Hair gets damaged especially in winter.

Dry and brittle hair, especially at their tips — the result of exclusively our «effort». What exactly and what really spoils our hair, said a dermatologist, trichologist Kuzma Khobzey, reports the with reference to the Facts.

— In the vast majority of cases, unkempt hair, associated with their dullness and brittleness, is the result of the adverse effects of external factors, — says the doctor.

According to him, one of these  is their coloring, which often occurs by highlighting the strands. When their color is drastically changed, for example, to blue or pink.

Also very detrimental to the curls and so popular straighteners, which harm the hair much more than hair dryers.

The fact is that high temperature , which, in fact, is the key point in the straightening procedure, directly destroys the hair structure. As a result, this leads to a long-term problem with their appearance.

— Ultraviolet also affects the hair very negatively. Although many girls like how their hair burns out in the sun, the trichologist notes.

To verify this, the doctor advises to lift the outer strands and compare them with the lower ones, which are more protected from adverse external influences. The difference will surprise you.

How to revive dull and brittle hair

First of all, Kuzma Hobzey recommends using straighteners as little as possible >. Or at least set less extreme temperatures.

Thermal protection is mandatory. Although you don’t have to rely on it too much, since this function allows only to control the process.

— Clients often claim that they use straighteners no more than twice a month. To which I answer them, it is already 24 times a year. And if the tips are more than three years old, then multiply this frying in a pan by another three. This is more than enough to ruin the structure of the hair, says the dermatologist.

According to him, stability hair to external negative factors may be a genetic feature. Like, for example, representatives of the Asian type.

Slav women have thicker hair, but at the same time thinner, so it is easier to spoil it destructive factors from the outside.

Although it should be noted that there is such a feature as genetic predisposition to brittle hair. Trichologists determine it by examining the hair shaft under high magnification. It is extremely rare, but still there are cases when signs of genetic pathologies are found, which lead to brittle hair.

In winter, hair also deteriorates from air dryness< /strong>, both outdoors and indoors. However, low temperatures negatively affect not only the hair, but also the skin. Here it is relevant to recall the importance of using special winter cosmetics for skin and hair care.


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