GENERICO.ruМедицинаDoctors explained why burrs appear on the fingers and how to get rid of them

Doctors explained why burrs appear on the fingers and how to get rid of them

The burrs should not be pulled, torn off, or bitten off.

In a pandemic we sit more at home, where the air is usually dry, because of stress, many people bite their nails, constantly wash their hands and use sanitizers — all this affects the occurrence of burrs.

The burrs are small but very annoying, especially when they come off and form painful wounds. They are usually associated with general dryness of the skin.

Although no one knows exactly why they appear, here are a few reasons:

  • dry air;
  • frequent washing hands;
  • using sanitizers;
  • biting or picking nails;
  • swimming in chlorinated water.

How to properly get rid of a hangnail

To get rid of a hangnail, you need to carefully cut it off with nail scissors or tweezers. A few tips on how best to do this:

  • first wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to avoid infection;
  • cut carefully, not too close to the base;
  • after the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

To soften the skin before cutting the hangnail, you can soak your hand in warm water or apply petroleum jelly or another moisturizer.

What not to do

Burrs should not be pulled, torn off or bitten off. So, this desire can be difficult to fight. But such handling can cause pain, bleeding, and infection.

Paronychia is an inflammation of the periungual fold due to bacteria from the skin entering the tissues. When the burr is torn off, a small tear is created through which bacteria can enter.

With such inflammation, it is better to consult a dermatologist. It is also worth doing if:

  • the skin after removing the hangnail does not heal for more than a week;
  • the redness at the place of the hangnail expands or intensifies;
  • the nail changes color or become soft.

How to avoid burrs

To reduce the risk of burrs, you need to combat dry skin and avoid irritants. Here's what you can do:

  • lubricate your hands with a moisturizer, including on the cuticles;
  • use a humidifier;
  • wear gloves during washing dishes and using chemicals;
  • do not use products with acetone to remove varnish;
  • do not cut the cuticle during a manicure.

If you do not want to suffer from hangnails, it is worth monitoring the overall health of the skin and providing it with nutrients. Vitamins A, C, D and E are considered especially important for healthy skin. The effectiveness of these vitamins in cosmetics is not very well proven. Therefore, it is better to get them with food.


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