GENERICO.ruРоссия"Pickpockets" hit on the head

«Pickpockets» hit on the head

Petr Sarukhanov/Novaya Gazeta< /p>

On Thursday, January 27, the upper house of Kazakhstan's parliament, the Senate, approved amendments to the Law on the first President Nursultan Nazarbayev, depriving him of the opportunity to be the head of the Security Council and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. This part of the changes was largely technical, because the actual transfer of Nazarbayev’s powers to the second president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, had already taken place: the ANC changed hands before the New Year, and Tokayev publicly took the post of head of the Security Council (according to another version, Nazarbayev gave it away himself) during the January protests in the country. What surprised the Senate: its members proposed to exclude from the law the provision that required coordination with Nazarbayev of any state initiatives in domestic and foreign policy. The amended amendments to the Law on the First President were sent back to the lower chamber — the Majilis — from where they came from, and if the deputies accept them (ha-ha!), the new norms will go to Tokayev for signature.

The proposal of the Senate gave birth to a sarcastic joke that the amendment banning the coordination of laws with Nazarbayev should be agreed with Nazarbayev. But in general, the significance of the events taking place in the power of Kazakhstan should not be underestimated. Of course, no one removed immunity from Nazarbayev, his relatives and their assets, we are talking only about removal from current political life. But here

what matters is not even the pace of debunking the divine essence of the first president, but whose hands this is formally done.

Cheerful supporters of Nazarbayev accepted Tokayev's candidacy as successor at an election rally in Nur-Sultan, 2019. 2.5 years later, the Nazarbayev clan is rapidly losing ground. Photo: Alexei Filippov/AP/TASS

It must be understood that the Kazakh parliament both externally and internally is very similar to the Russian one. The same two chambers, the same complete control by the presidential administration (or at least complete synchronization with it). The Senate is often a political sanatorium for pensioners, some people are appointed there by the president, the rest are elected by deputies of local dumas (in Kazakhstan they are called maslikhats). More than three parties have not been represented in the Mazhilis in recent years, and although the pro-Nazarbayev Nur Otan won 11% fewer votes in the 2021 elections, it still occupies more than two-thirds of the entire parliament. Although the other two parties — the Communists and Ak Zhol (something like the Boris Titov Business Party) — did not cause problems. If in Russia the parliament until recently was not a “place for discussion”, then in Kazakhstan deputies, most often in absentia, competed only in who would most ardently approve this or that initiative. All discussions on lawmaking were sluggish and more often became public only in the presence of some frank cringe.


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