GENERICO.ruВ миреYouTube blocked the channels of the Russia Today media group

YouTube blocked the channels of the Russia Today media group

Signboard of MIA «Russia Today». Archival photoMOSCOW, March 11 The channels of the Rossiya Segodnya media group, in particular RIA Novosti and Spuntik, have been blocked on the YouTube platform, the MIA press service said.»YouTube announced the immediate blocking of Russian state media channels all over the world. The channels of the Russia Today media group are also blocked on YouTube,” the message says. what is happening in Western social networks is lawlessness and a violation of any principles of freedom of speech and democracy, so promoted by them,» the press service of the media group added. Earlier, YouTube announced that it would immediately block access to channels associated with Russian state media. In addition, the platform will remove content about a special operation to demilitarize Ukraine that “violates” the video hosting policy. As a result, YouTube disabled premium subscriptions in Russia, and subsequently all methods of monetization on the platform. In the fall, Roskomnadzor reported that since 2020, it had recorded more than 50 facts of censorship of Russian media materials and their official accounts by foreign Internet sites. Most often, media such as Sputnik, RT, Anna News fell under blocking, half of them on YouTube. The agency regards the actions of the video hosting administration as censorship that violates the key principles of the free distribution of information and unhindered access to it. img src=»/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ee77da798ea75d1b3a49eb681c869508.jpg» />Roskomnadzor will block Instagram in Russia at midnight March 14


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