On the way to victory, it is important for Ukrainians not to forget about their health.
Unfortunately, access to medical facilities in a number of regions may be limited under conditions of war. In addition, some Ukrainians have changed their place of residence, so they simply do not know how and which doctor to contact, reports the Chronicle.info with reference to TSN.
The Ministry of Health publishes a list of chat bots and Telegram channels where you can get free advice from doctors of various profiles, including psychologists; find out about receiving therapy in the region where you live; get information about vaccination points against COVID-19.
- chatbot for doctors who want to help and patients who need help @Doc2rbot
- online medical chatbot -consultations @MedicalForUA_bot
- chatbot «Medical Procurement of Ukraine», where you can find up-to-date information about vaccination points against COVID-19 @medpro_ukraine_bot
- chatbot for people living with HIV , with information on where you can find antiretroviral therapy in Ukraine or abroad t.me/HIV_AIDS_bot
- chatbot about algorithms for providing medical care during military operations https://t.me/TacticMedAid_bot< /li>
- channel «Doctors of Ukraine online + veterinary medicine» t.me/doctorsonline103
- channel «DonorUA», which contains the work schedules of blood centers, as well as important information about donation t.me/donorua