GENERICO.ruПолитикаThe source called the date of the LDPR congress, which will elect a new chairman

The source called the date of the LDPR congress, which will elect a new chairman

MOSCOW, May 2. LDPR congress, which will elect a new party chairman to replace the deceased on April 6 Vladimir Zhirinovsky, will be held on May 25, a source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti. Earlier, the LDPR faction in the State Duma reported that the decision on the date and venue of the LDPR congress would be made public after May 15.

" May", — said the interlocutor of the agency.

Leonid Slutsky, acting head of the LDPR faction in the State Duma, earlier told RIA Novosti that the question of whether he would like to lead the Liberal Democrats is premature, the party will decide this issue. Zhirinovsky passed away on April 6 at the age of 76 after a severe and prolonged illness. the new head of the Liberal Democratic Party


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