GENERICO.ruВ миреDiplomats criticized the idea to demolish monuments to Soviet soldiers in Lithuania

Diplomats criticized the idea to demolish monuments to Soviet soldiers in Lithuania

Monument to Soviet soldiers on the Green Bridge in Vilnius, Lithuania. Archive photoMOSCOW, May 6.The Russian Embassy in Lithuania criticized the intention of Vilnius Mayor Remigius Simasius to initiate the exclusion of six monuments to Soviet soldiers in the capital's cemetery from the register of cultural heritage for their subsequent demolition. Earlier, the mayor of Vilnius Remigius Simasius announced that he would initiate the demolition of six monuments to Soviet soldiers at the Antakalnis cemetery, where the largest in country burial place of the liberators of Lithuania. The monuments are included in the Register of Protected Cultural Heritage. The embassy stressed that Šimašius made his statement «on the eve of the sacred holiday for many Lithuanians — Victory Day» despite the fact that there are also ethnic Lithuanians among the Red Army soldiers buried at the Antakalnis cemetery.Lithuania introduced fines for St. George ribbons»We hope that Lithuania will find the courage to speak out against such blasphemous initiatives and will not allow desecrating the memory of those who, at the cost of their lives, liberated the Lithuanian land from the Nazis invaders. Citizen Shimashius — hands off the dead!» — the message of the diplomatic mission says. At the Military Memorial on Antakalnis, created in 1951, more than three thousand soldiers of the 3rd Belorussian Front, who fell in the summer of 1944 in the battles for the liberation of Vilnius, are buried. In total, more than 80,000 Soviet soldiers who gave their lives in the fight against fascism are buried in the Baltic Republic.


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