GENERICO.ruВ миреThe Foreign Ministry condemned the attempted terrorist attack against Russian journalists in Berlin

The Foreign Ministry condemned the attempted terrorist attack against Russian journalists in Berlin

Sappers at the site where a suspicious object was found near the house in Berlin where RIA Novosti journalists live. Video frame MOSCOW, May 7. The German authorities are obliged to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident with the attack on the house in Berlin, where employees of Russian media correspondents live, the Russian diplomatic department said on Saturday. «We see this as a direct consequence of the unleashed on The West harassed the Russian media and their employees. The politicized decision to turn off the Russian media from the air in the European Union was the forerunner of their physical intimidation up to elimination,» the commentary on the ministry's website reads. «We demand that the authorities of Germany and other EU countries and NATO immediately take measures to protect Russian journalists and family members on their territory. The German government is obliged to conduct a thorough investigation of this crime,» the Russian Foreign Ministry said. give an unbiased assessment of «this blatant attack on the fundamental principles of democracy — the freedoms the word and the safety of journalists.» Earlier on Friday, a house in West Berlin, where RIA Novosti journalists live, was attacked, and a suspicious device was also found on the territory. The police, who arrived at the call, evacuated all the residents, and sappers were called in to inspect the device.


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