US military personnel. Archival photoMOSCOW, May 7th. The obesity epidemic is reducing the combat readiness of the United States Army, writes the Daily Express newspaper, citing a study by scientists. on the US military, and the national security risks associated with it are «simply enormous».The Economist: Ukraine has made America defenseless «This problem reduces the pool of suitable volunteers for the army, it generally reduces the ability to replenish the armed forces, and is also a potential threat to the combat capability of our army as a whole,» the expert points out. As the researchers found, today the contingent, which is undergoing initial military training, has changed a lot. Thus, among recruits, the percentage of women and representatives of racial and ethnic minorities is becoming higher. At the same time, it is among women and minorities that there is an increased percentage of those who are inclined to be overweight. In addition, representatives of these groups are also at risk of «increased food insecurity», that is, hunger, which, in turn, also increases the percentage risk of acquiring excess weight. «The lack of reliable access to food also leads to psychological problems — a constant feeling of fear and others. And these problems, in turn, interfere with the stability of military personnel and reduce combat readiness,» the article says. In general, since the 1960s, the number of recruits accepted into the US army, despite being overweight, has doubled in the male recruitment segment and tripled in the female segment, adds the Daily Express. /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/295e3125f9dee0b592cac82cff487d83.jpg» />Biden called Americans a nation of immigrants