GENERICO.ruВ миреSouth Korean intelligence chief says Kim Jong-un is cold-blooded

South Korean intelligence chief says Kim Jong-un is cold-blooded

President of the State Council of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un. File photoSEUL, May 7. Director of South Korea's National Intelligence Service, Park Chi-won, said that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is logical, cool-headed and, unlike his father Kim Jong-il, restrains emotions.»Kim Jong Il was emotional and honest, he spoke as he was, but Kim Jong-un is logical and restrains emotions, he is calm and controls everything to the smallest detail,» Park Ji Won told the Joseon Ilbo newspaper. At the same time, according to the head South Korean intelligence, if Kim Jong-un continues the policy of isolation, the DPRK will face a “collapse”, so the parties need to return to dialogue. “If Kim Jong-un behaves recklessly, this does not mean that we should be the same,” the official believes. He noted that one cannot «turn back the clock» and deny what the Moon Jae-in administration has achieved over the past five years, and the new administration needs to be careful about talking about a «preemptive strike» or joint military exercises with the United States.South Korea once again demanded that North Korea stop weapons testing


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