Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Poland Sergey Andreev at the cemetery of Soviet soldiers in WarsawMOSCOW, May 9.The Russian ambassador to Poland spoke about the state after the attack on him He recalled a similar incident with the Soviet ambassador. «We sat in the Security Council back in Soviet times, then alphabetically we were sitting next to the Americans, and some anarchists broke through to us, they doused the American ambassador and our ambassador with red paint, I was sitting next to it. There was a similar situation. The American ambassador immediately ran away, and our ambassador Oleg Alexandrovich Troyanovsky proudly came out. He was surrounded by journalists, and everything flows from him, horror, they ask him how he will comment, and then he told them Better red than dead (Better to be red than dead). there was a Cold War saying that he twisted (Better dead than red — Better to be dead than red — the title of an article by British public figure Bertrand Russell on Cold War politics — ed.), So he held the blow very well, «said the former Deputy Secretary General of the UN. «I think that our ambassador to Poland will also take a hit. Our ambassadors are very qualified people, they are called upon to protect the interests of our state in the international arena, which they do successfully. And this will not be prevented by attacks of this kind, paint or shouting offensive slogans. This cannot interfere with the activities of our diplomats,» Ordzhonikidze concluded.