GENERICO.ruВ миреPrime Minister: Poland is trying to limit diplomatic contacts with Russia

Prime Minister: Poland is trying to limit diplomatic contacts with Russia

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. File photoWARSAW, May 10.Warsaw is trying to limit diplomatic contacts with Moscow, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said. «For my part, I can only say that we are trying … to lead to a significant all sorts of diplomatic contacts (with Russia – ed.),” the prime minister said at a press conference in Warsaw. increase» fuel supplies through Poland, he recalled that Poland, as one of the first Western countries in recent times, expelled several dozen employees of the Russian diplomatic mission. «Following our actions, other EU countries began to limit the level of their diplomatic contacts (with the Russian Federation),» Morawiecki added. At the end of March, the Polish authorities decided to expel 45 Russian diplomats from the country. In response, Russia declared persona non grata as many employees of the Polish embassy in Moscow and consulates general in Irkutsk, Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg. They left Russia before April 13.Why Biden is afraid to be in the same photo with Putin


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