GENERICO.ruСпортHands warn: how to detect heart disease in the fingers and palms

Hands warn: how to detect heart disease in the fingers and palms

MOSCOW, May 10. Portal «Doctor Peter» tells how hands can help you identify heart disease. Heart disease does not always have bright symptoms. Everyone knows the obvious signs — arrhythmia, chest pain, shortness of breath. However, doctors claim that hands can predict danger. It is enough just to look at them carefully. Swelling on the fingertips You can not ignore the appearance of bumps on the palms and fingertips. They may signal infective endocarditis. In a person with this diagnosis, inflammation of the blood vessels and chambers of the heart occurs. With endocarditis, bacteria enter the body, spread through the bloodstream and attach to weak areas of the heart. Lack of proper treatment leads to damage to the heart valves. Canadian dermatologist Gita Yadav warns that even if the bumps suddenly go away and stop bothering you, you need to see a doctor and take a skin biopsy.

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