GENERICO.ruВ миреPasechnik called integration with Russia the only right way for the LPR

Pasechnik called integration with Russia the only right way for the LPR

A man on the street in Lugansk. Archival photoLUGANSK, May 12.The decision to proclaim the Lugansk People's Republic was supported by the absolute majority of citizens, choosing the only right path — integration with Russia, said the head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik.​​»Eight years ago, the people of the Luhansk region made their choice: held a referendum in unison, voted for the freedom, independence and sovereignty of the region, saying «no» to the criminal oligarchs and nationalists who illegally came to power in Kiev.The decision to proclaim the Lugansk People's Republic was supported by the absolute majority of citizens — this is how the history of the young state began, who chose the only right path — integration with Russia,» Pasechnik said in an address on the occasion of the Republic Day. According to him, during this time, the inhabitants of the republic «passed many trials: they fought the blockades announced by Ukraine, revived the economy, healed the wounds of the war and restored everything , which the Ukrainian fascists tried so hard, fiercely to destroy.» «Day of the Republic this year, for the first time, we celebrate with thousands of compatriots liberated from the oppression and occupation of the Kyiv Nazis. By combining a strong, unshakable Donbass character, hard work, huge creative and professional potential, I am sure that together we will overcome all trials and provide a decent, stable life for our children and all subsequent generations,» he added.LPR Ambassador to Russia: peace in Donbas is impossible under the current Kiev regime


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