GENERICO.ruСпортA fight on the field and a skirmish with fans: video of the crazy ending of the match in...

A fight on the field and a skirmish with fans: video of the crazy ending of the match in FNL-2

MOSCOW, May 12. Match of the 30th round of group 1 FNL-2 between «Essentuki» and the Rostov SKA ended in several skirmishes. The video was published on the YouTube channel «Essentuki Sport». The meeting ended with a score of 2:1 in favor of Rostovites. The winning penalty in the 95th minute was converted by Dmitry Korobov. After that, a fight broke out on the field. First, one of the Essentuki players emotionally made claims to the referee Artem Kharin. After that, a massive skirmish broke out on the field with the participation of players from both teams. «webkitAllowFullScreen» mozallowfullscreen=»mozallowfullscreen» allowfullscreen=»allowFullScreen» frameborder=»0″>Before leaving for the locker room, Essentuki midfielder Edward Dzasokhov hit the Rostov team with the ball, which provoked another conflict. The player grappled with SKA fans, and then went to the locker room. Fans started to hurl insults after him. » allowfullscreen=»allowFullScreen» frameborder=»0″>After 27 matches, SKA leads the standings with 65 points. Essentuki are in 17th place with ten points.


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