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MOSCOW, 14 May. A video posted by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on his social networks is gaining popularity on the Web. In the video, the politician is listening to the Ukrainian anthem performed by an 11-year-old girl, swaying slightly and continuously looking into the distance. Netizens tried to figure out what Johnson was thinking at that moment. «Is he thinking: a turkey or ham sandwich for lunch?» commenter Martin_BELfast suggested. «Your face when you realized that the bowel medicine didn't work,» Rob Smith explained. horror «Nuclear Hint» by Johnson «Great, yes. Maybe now we should sing a song about why our energy bills have doubled,» advised Will Carpenter. at least pretending to be interested. Instead of daydreaming about a piece of cheese from the fridge and, more importantly, a bottle of claret to wash it down,» metabourke protested. » asked Lewis Sutton, recalling to Johnson the sensational parties on Downing Street during the lockdown. In early May, Johnson, during a video message to Ukrainian parliamentarians, said that London would provide a new military aid package worth 300 million pounds, including radars, drones with large payload capacity and night vision devices.