Turkmenistan. Archival photoASHGABAT, May 23. A statue of the Akhal-Teke horse Akhan (White Khan) will be erected on the territory of Akhal velayat (the central region of Turkmenistan), the Russian-language government newspaper Neutral Turkmenistan reported on Monday. The corresponding decree was signed by Turkmen President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.» In order to increase the glory of the Akhal-Teke horses — the national pride of the people — the President of Turkmenistan signed a resolution allowing the khyakimlik (administration) of the Akhal velayat to conclude a contract with the Zvezda Sport private enterprise for the design and construction of a monument with a statue of the famous horse Akhan,» the statement says. The publication notes that «the document prescribes to start construction work in May 2022 and to hand over the facility with full readiness for operation in December 2022.» The Turkmen news website Turkmenportal writes in this regard that «Akhan is a legendary horse who was personally raised ex-president of Turkmen enistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov». In 2018, he became famous for rearing up and walking 10 meters on his hind hooves in 4.19 seconds. This achievement was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Turkmenportal also notes that this is not the first monument erected to Akhal-Teke horses in Turkmenistan. In April 2013, a grand opening of a sculptural composition dedicated to the Akhal-Teke horse Polatly (Steel) took place, and a year later, a monument was opened in honor of the Akhal-Teke horse Yanardag (Fire Mountain), depicted on the State Emblem of Turkmenistan.The head of Turkmenistan accepted Putin's invitation to visit Russia