GENERICO.ruРоссияMobile military registration and enlistment offices worked at the Novosibirsk half marathon to sign up for contract service

Mobile military registration and enlistment offices worked at the Novosibirsk half marathon to sign up for contract service

In Novosibirsk, during the All-Russian half-marathon «Zabeg.RF», mobile military registration and enlistment offices worked for selection for contract service. This was reported by

The race was held today, May 22. The start of the half marathon was on Pimenov Square in the Oktyabrsky district of the city. The registration of runners and awards took place there. Throughout the day, a mobile military registration and enlistment office worked on the square, where you could sign up for service under a contract. photo__image» data-type=»photo» data-slate-custom=»{«src»:»»,»alt»:»»»,» ;imgSrc»:»»,»migrationId»:»1646998844495″,»html»:null}» alt=»1″ />

Photo : reader


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