GENERICO.ruВ миреChina's envoy to the UN assesses the possibility of new sanctions against the DPRK

China's envoy to the UN assesses the possibility of new sanctions against the DPRK

The United Nations logo at the United Nations headquarters in New York. File photo UN, May 27. New sanctions against the DPRK will not help solve the problem of the Korean Peninsula, China's envoy to the organization Zhang Jun said at a UN Security Council meeting. Earlier, Russia and China vetoed a US resolution on strengthening sanctions against DPRK. The remaining members of the Security Council voted in favor.

"Relying on sanctions will not help solve the problem of the Korean Peninsula. Security Council sanctions are a means, not an end,» said Zhang Jun.

According to him, the Security Council has so far adopted 10 sanctions resolutions against the DPRK, creating the most stringent and complex sanctions regime, at the same time setting the right direction for solving the Korean Peninsula problem through dialogue.» Additional sanctions against the DPRK will not only not help solve the problem, but will only lead to more negative effects, escalation and confrontation. Additional sanctions will also have huge humanitarian consequences, especially against the backdrop of the emerging coronavirus in North Korea,” he pointed out. The draft US resolution, as a punishment for the next DPRK missile launches, proposed to reduce the allowable volumes of supplies of oil and oil products to North Korea. In addition, the text contained the name of the person, as well as the names of a number of entities whose assets were proposed to be frozen.


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