GENERICO.ruВ миреMassachusetts congressmen pardon the last of the Salem witches

Massachusetts congressmen pardon the last of the Salem witches

Hammer in the courtroom. File photo WASHINGTON, May 26. Congressmen from the US state of Massachusetts on Thursday officially pardoned the last of the «Salem witches», the Associated Press reports. According to its data, we are talking about Elizabeth Johnson, Jr., whose name was rehabilitated 329 years after she was convicted of witchcraft. In 1693, at the height of the Salem witch trial, a woman was sentenced to death. Unlike many other defendants in the case, Johnson managed to avoid capital punishment in the end. However, despite the fact that American justice could not carry out the death sentence, the woman never received an official pardon. Massachusetts lawmakers decided to reconsider her case after American schoolchildren launched a campaign to pardon the «witch» last year. The initiative group found that not all those accused of witchcraft were pardoned — and decided that justice must be done. Subsequently, State Senator Diana Disoglio initiated amendments to the law from 1957, which canceled all sentences for witches and sorcerers from Salem. Her proposed amendments were approved. «We can never change what happened to victims like Elizabeth, but at least we can fix the situation,» Disoglio said. 1693. Then, on charges of witchcraft, 20 people were executed, and about 200 more were imprisoned.


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