GENERICO.ruВ мире"Clown". In the United States, they were outraged by Biden's strange remark, said in a whisper

«Clown». In the United States, they were outraged by Biden's strange remark, said in a whisper

US President Joe BidenMOSCOW, May 28. Readers of The New York Post criticized US President Joe Biden's speech to the graduates of the Naval Academy on May 27.

The reason for the indignation was that Biden decided in a whisper to remind the Americans that he was the commander in chief. Global Times: Japanese premier embarrassed by Biden's behavior not so,» John Stewart protested.

«Biden should be in a 24-hour medical facility,» wrote LisaLisaLisa.

«All Americans should whisper that Biden is our commander in chief out of sheer humiliation and shame say it out loud,” supported JintYank61.

«Today the whole world will laugh at us again — he must whisper all the words that he cannot pronounce, then we will not hear his reservations «, — said Diane Trudeau. The US Congress said that Biden has lost touch with reality»The US government sends a clown like Biden to mutter nonsense and fantasies» — summed up Deplorable.

The President of the United States regularly finds himself in awkward situations. So, he confused Libya and Syria, Iraq and Iran, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, escalation and vaccination, and also could not pronounce the name of Russian leader Vladimir Putin correctly the first time, and called the Australian Prime Minister «the guy from the opposite side», because I forgot his name.


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