Andrey SenchenkoSport correspondentAll materialsEmail to the authorThe Champions League final is the most long-awaited event for every football fan. However, the “geniuses” from UEFA managed to spoil it. If you suddenly need help on how to dishonor the whole world and screw it up at the most crucial moment, it’s enough to apply to UEFA with a corresponding request. The leadership of the Union of European Football Associations over the past few months has notably discredited itself, spitting on its own rules and principles. You yourself perfectly understand exactly how it achieved this. Isolation of all Russian football for political reasons — clubs, teams, referees, delegates. It turned out to be a huge and spoiled cake. The deprivation of Russian cities of key European Cup matches was the “icing” on this dish. UEFA argued its actions for security reasons. Instead, the organization did everything to jeopardize this very security. Paris was chosen as the place of shame, the event was the Champions League final. Right now, the entire Internet is littered with creepy video clips and photos of the natural hell in Saint-Denis. It's not even about the red that the stunning capital of France has dyed thanks to the incredible number of Liverpool fans. We are talking about how their lives and health were put at stake. Thousands of spectators were imprisoned on the outskirts of the historic Stade de France, which has seen many significant events. In an attempt to get into the stadium, the fans got into a stampede, and the police responded by force to the legal demand to let them into the arena on tickets bought for huge money. Down to tear gas. The question is, was Paris definitely ready to host such a large-scale event? The question is rhetorical. It was not without the intervention of the «black market». According to the newspaper Marca, the number of owners of fake tickets has reached about 15,000. Great organization from UEFA! The fans learned about the fake in their pocket already after passing the control. Behind them were thousands of kilometers traveled for the main event of the year. How to act in such a situation? Many of the victims found a way out in animal instincts and simply climbed over the fences. What does it threaten? The already overcrowded stands are at risk of being packed to critical levels. At such a moment, shots from Hillsborough and Luzhniki -1982 are immediately in front of my eyes.