GENERICO.ruРоссияRoskomnadzor blocked the blog of the editor-in-chief of the Republic Dmitry Kolezev

Roskomnadzor blocked the blog of the editor-in-chief of the Republic Dmitry Kolezev

Roskomnadzor, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, blocked the blog of the editor-in-chief of the Republic and the publisher of It's My City, Dmitry Kolezev. The Roskomsvoboda project drew attention to this; relevant information is published on the regulator's website.


Screenshot of Roskomnadzor's registry

According to calculations » Roskomsvoboda”, along with the journalist’s website, the agency blocked 24 more websites. Previously, dozens of Russian and foreign publications, including Republic and It’s My City, were blocked due to coverage of the war in Ukraine.


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