Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Archival photoMOSCOW, May 29.Russia will not cut off the path to dialogue with Europe, but will judge European intentions solely on practical matters, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. «Now we have begun to better understand what was happening what caused the «euphoria» after the end of the «cold war» and the disappearance of the Soviet Union. Then everyone started talking about universal values, the common destiny of Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals and the Pacific Ocean. These were beautiful words. As soon as it came to real steps to implement “We don’t want to say that the path to the resumption of dialogue is cut off. But we will judge European intentions solely on practical matters,” Lavrov said in an interview with the French TV channel TF1. According to him, Russia has learned a serious lesson. «In this sense, the situation has changed compared to the end of the Cold War,» Lavrov added.