Go to the media bankRamzan Kadyrov. File photoGROZNY, Sep 17 Ukrainian troops failed an offensive plan near the village of Berestovoye in the Donetsk People's Republic, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said on his Telegram channel. He posted a video in which Akhmat special forces commander Apty Alaudinov is interrogating a Ukrainian prisoner of war.Two battalions joined the allies in the Donbass, Kadyrov said»Yesterday the enemy decided to counterattack us, it turned out that everyone who decided to take up this case, <…> most of them remained lying on the ground, a sufficient number left with serious injuries, one comrade was captured, «said the commander. When asked how he felt about that they are «thrown to slaughter», replied that this is «abnormal».
«The area of the village of Berestovoye and the talking trophy. <…> The offensive plan of the enemy in this area failed thanks to the courage and courage of the soldiers of the special forces «Akhmat». Only one of those who resisted did not escape and was not injured,» Kadyrov wrote.
From February 24, Russia has been conducting a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. Vladimir Putin called its task «the protection of people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kyiv regime for eight years.» According to the President, the ultimate goal is the liberation of Donbass and the creation of conditions guaranteeing the security of Russia itself. Russia in Ukraine