GENERICO.ruВ миреMusk named a likely scenario for resolving the conflict in Ukraine

Musk named a likely scenario for resolving the conflict in Ukraine

SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. File photoWASHINGTON, Oct 20Achieving a compromise on Crimea is the most likely outcome of the confrontation between Russia and the West in Ukraine, American entrepreneur Elon Musk said.

"Compromise is the most likely outcome, but the question in how much death and destruction will happen before then,” he wrote on Twitter.

Musk’s comment followed in response to the publication of another user of the social network, who proposed three scenarios for the continuation of the conflict in Ukraine. Among them were «eternal war», «nuclear war» and a compromise in which the United States makes it clear to Ukraine that Crimea no longer belongs to it. On Monday, Musk himself expressed the opinion that the peninsula is critical to Russia's national security as a southern naval base. He believes that for Russia the loss of Crimea is the same as the loss of Hawaii and Pearl Harbor for the United States. In addition, in early October, Musk wrote that he doubted the possibility of Kyiv winning in the event of a full-scale war with Moscow, and called on the parties to the world. He offered his vision of the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine. The plan calls for a «re-vote» in the Donbass «under UN supervision», keeping Crimea «a formal part of Russia, as it has been since 1783 (before Khrushchev's mistake)», guarantees for Crimea's water supply, and a neutral status for the former Soviet republic.Musk told who pays for satellite Internet for Ukraine


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