Go to the media bankThe national flag of Estonia . File photoHELSINKI, Oct 24 The number of those in need of a living allowance in Estonia is growing rapidly due to the arrival of refugees from Ukraine and the widespread increase in prices due to rising electricity prices, the state broadcasting portal ERR reported. From January to September of this year, the Social Insurance Board approved 75,564 applications for which payments amounted to more than 27 million euros. These are people or families whose monthly net income, after deducting all housing costs, is no more than 200 euros per person. subsistence allowances is associated with the arrival of military refugees from Ukraine in Estonia and the widespread increase in prices due to the rise in electricity prices,» the message says. The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the West to ignore Russian red lines me for several years. For example, in 2021, the Department of Social Security approved 60,356 applications for the payment of a living allowance. During these years, the income of Estonian residents grew faster than the cost of housing and food, notes ERR.