GENERICO.ruВ миреThe United States will lose its leading role, said in the Federation Council

The United States will lose its leading role, said in the Federation Council

Go to mediabankGrigory Karasin . File photoMOSCOW, Oct 24The United States is losing its leading role, many other poles have emerged, said Grigory Karasin, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs. «Obviously, the United States is losing its leading role. Many poles and interest groups,” he wrote in his Telegram channel. leadership in the modern world, from which the Americans clearly do not intend to give up, will become one of the main topics of the Valdai international discussion club that opened on Monday in the Moscow region. «Washington proceeds from the fact that the so-called values ​​will again become the key issue of the new stage. The United States insists that the world cannot organize itself without the Americans, and a vacuum, they say, is dangerous. I am convinced that the Valdai Club will give a fundamental assessment to these statements,» Karasin said. He drew attention to the importance of the argument in favor of the fact that sanctions suppression is «futile and extremely dangerous.» «I would like politicians and political scientists to give an answer to how they think about the future harmonization of interests in world affairs. In a word, it will be important compare points of view and find the very logical formula for the transition from explosive confrontation to international creation,» the senator noted.


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