GENERICO.ruВ миреOrban accuses Germany of meddling in Hungary's internal affairs

Orban accuses Germany of meddling in Hungary's internal affairs

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. File photoBERLIN, Oct 24Hungary will not tolerate interference in its internal affairs and traditional values ​​by Germany and invites those Germans to whom they are dear, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Monday in an interview with the German-language newspaper «Budapester Zeitung». «We firmly believe that the German problems should be solved by the Germans We would be happy if the Germans also came to the conclusion that the solution of the Hungarian problems is the business of the Hungarians living here Germany's interference in the internal affairs of Hungary, whether directly or through EU institutions, has now reached enormous proportions «, Orban said. Compared to Germany, Hungary is now an «island of peace and freedom,» the politician believes, while in Germany «liberal hegemony reigns» and the only recognized narrative. «We Hungarians are a freedom-loving people «We don't like it at all when someone from outside prescribes how we should live. Today the German Left wants to dictate to us through the European Parliament how we should live and think about migration, genderism, nation, family and so on. However, this does not concern them at all. This is our business,» Orban emphasized. =»ap_photo» class=»lazyload» width=»1920″ height=»1080″ decoding=»async» sizes=»(min-width: 600px) 600px, 100vw» src=»https://cdnn21.img.ria .ru/images/07e6/08/13/1810678659_0:176:3017:1873_1920x0_80_0_0_ec14797cf896650110dacf4edf0ebed2.jpg» srcset=» data:image/svg+xml, svg%22%20width=%221920%22%20height=%221080%22%3E%3C/svg%3E 100w «data-srcset=» 640w, 1280w,https://cdnn21. 1920w»>The Hungarian Prime Minister ranked Scholz among the weak politicians The politician ranked all the ruling parties of Germany among the adherents of such «left» ideas, accusing the country and the collective West of a policy of double standards. «We urge Germans and other Western Europeans to come to us. In the next 10-20 years more and more people who would prefer to live with us, because Hungary is a safe, Christian and tradition-conscious country,» he concluded. On October 10, Prime Minister Orban paid a working visit to Berlin, where he met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz . Hungary ironically commented on Macron's complaint about the cheapness of gas in the United States


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