Indonesia. File photoMOSCOW, Oct 25The death toll from a fire on a speedboat in Indonesia has risen to 14, according to the search and rescue department of the Indonesian city of Kupang. said the head of the Search and Rescue Directorate, Putu Sudayana, to the ANTARA agency. -sid=»rian_photo» class=»lazyload» width=»1920″ height=»1080″ decoding=»async» sizes=»(min-width: 600px) 600px, 100vw» src=»https://cdnn21.img» srcset=» data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20/ svg%22%20width=%221920%22%20height=%221080%22%3E%3C/svg%3E 100w «data-srcset=» 640w, https://cdnn21.img.ri 1280w, 1920w» >In Antalya, a pleasure boat capsized, there is a deadHe added that the search for the victims will continue, because «at present, the burning ship is still sailing in the middle of the sea, and the fire is still burning the ship's hull.» A speedboat carrying dozens of passengers from the city of Kupang to Alor Island , suddenly burst into flames in Indonesian waters.According to ANTARA, one of the victims of the fire was a baby. =»338″ data-source-sid=»rian_photo» class=»lazyload» width=»1920″ height=»1080″ decoding=»async» sizes=»(min-width: 600px) 600px, 100vw» src=»» srcset=» data:image/svg+xml,%3Cxmlsvg%20xmlsvg: / 100w «data-srcset=»https://cdnn21.img.ria .ru/images/07e5/04/01/1603826219_0:365:2992:2048_640x0_80_0_0_50a0cf2925cc6143ab 85d02d6fa556b5.jpg 640w, 1280w, 1920w»> In the Murmansk region, the body of the second victim of a boat capsizing was found