Rosfinmonitoring excluded from «list of terrorists and extremists» ex-director of the Library of Ukrainian Literature in Moscow Natalya Sharina. The telegram channel that monitors changes in the registry drew attention to this.
In the summer of 2017, Sharina was sentenced to four years probation. According to investigators, she distributed Dmitro Korchinsky’s books recognized as extremist in Russia and the children’s magazine Barvinok (Article 282 of the Criminal Code), and also spent 297,000 rubles from the library’s budget on her defense when she was a defendant in a previous extremism case (Article 160 of the Criminal Code). ).
Sharina herself pleaded not guilty. The Memorial human rights center called her a political prisoner, and linked Sharina’s criminal prosecution to “an anti-Ukrainian campaign that has been ongoing since the spring of 2014.”
After several searches in the library in 2015, as part of Sharina’s case, the Moscow mayor’s office decided to close the library . This was completed by the spring of 2018, their fund was transferred to the Center for Slavic Cultures at the Margarita Rudomino Library for Foreign Literature. -publish-context-cite__image» alt=»1″ />Director Trial Libraries of Ukrainian Literature