Go to the media bankView of the White House building in Washington. File photoWASHINGTON, Oct 24The US will not comment on Xi Jinping's re-election as general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, but is determined to continue dialogue to «responsibly manage competition» between the two countries, said White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre.CPC Central Committee (CPC Central Committee) 20- re-elected Xi Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee for a third term. Xi Jinping was also confirmed for a third term as Chairman of the Military Council of the CPC Central Committee. 338″ data-source-sid=»rian_photo» class=»lazyload» width=»1920″ height=»1080″ decoding=»async» sizes=»(min-width: 600px) 600px, 100vw» src=»https: //cdnn21.img.ria.ru/images/07e6/0a/18/1826304818_0:0:2824:1588_1920x0_80_0_0_5cdc9111881fd644b7a17c917da90591.jpg» srcset=» data:image/svg+xml,%3xmlsvg%2http: //.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20width=%221920%22%20height=%221080%22%3E%3C/svg%3E 100w «data-srcset=»https://cdnn21.img.ria.ru /images/07e6/0a/18/1826304818_0:0:2824:1588_640x0_80_0_0_6a631a08440dff5c7dba630f04847acd.jpg 640w,https://cdnn21.img.ria.ru/images/07e6/0a/18/1826304818_0:0:2824:1588_1280x0_80_0_0_cb2658f2e6e6cdc1608225eb959e733d.jpg 1280w .The heads of state congratulated Xi Jinping on his re-election as Secretary General of the CPC Central Committee»We will not comment on China's internal party politics… We continue our efforts to keep lines of communication open, including at the level of leaders,» Jean-Pierre said at a briefing for journalists. She added that she had nothing to say yet about the possibility of Xi Jinping meeting with US President Joe Biden at the November G20 summit in Indonesia. «We consider it important that this dialogue is not interrupted, and we will continue to work on it,» she said .The US and China are exploring the possibility of a meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping at the G20