GENERICO.ruРоссияDeputies adopted a law on alternative civil service during mobilization

Deputies adopted a law on alternative civil service during mobilization

The State Duma adopted in the final reading a draft law on the passage of alternative civilian service (ACS) during mobilization. This is stated on the website of the lower house.

A new article will appear in the law «On mobilization», according to which people who do alternative service in organizations subordinate to state bodies can be sent to work as civilian personnel in the army.

Civilian personnel of the armed forces will continue to work in their original places.

The bill also allows the conscription of people with outstanding or unexpunged convictions for a serious crime. The restriction was left for people with a conviction for sexualized violence against children, in cases of terrorism, extremism, treason and a number of other articles. =»mz-publish-context-cite__image» alt=»1″ />Article «I refuse to do everything that is listed in the oath.» A mobilized Petersburger does not take up arms even in a military unit

The employees of the military registration and enlistment offices refused to accept applications for transfer to the ACS from those drafted as part of «partial mobilization». Government portals claimed that the alternative service guaranteed by the Constitution during mobilization is not provided.

ACS is not currently spelled out in the law on mobilization. The law itself on the conditions for passing alternative service suggests such a possibility, however, acts that would regulate the procedure for passing the ACS during mobilization or wartime have not been adopted.


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