GENERICO.ruВ миреRBC: Russian banks will begin installing terminals for Mir cards abroad

RBC: Russian banks will begin installing terminals for Mir cards abroad

Go to the Mir Maps media bank. File photoMOSCOW, Oct 28Two large Russian banks are exploring the prospect of installing POS-terminals to accept Mir payment system cards in friendly countries, RBC writes, citing two sources in the market. One of the credit institutions plans to start working only in Turkey, and the other — in the same place, as well as in the UAE. «We see demand in countries where the flow of our tourists has been preserved and grown. We are considering the possibility of servicing foreign trade and service enterprises,» the source said. One one of the speakers noted that his bank will begin to install payment terminals primarily in hotels and large stores. acceptance of Mir cardsMir cards are now accepted in ten countries: Vietnam, South Korea, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but in some of them there are certain difficulties when working with the payment system. Work on the implementation of Mir is now underway in the countries of Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, as well as, according to the Russian authorities, in China. Cards of this system may soon be accepted in Egypt, Thailand, Iran, Indonesia, India, Venezuela, Cuba, Mauritius, Nigeria, Ethiopia. » />Turkey told about the consequences of the termination of the use of Mir cards


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