GENERICO.ruПолитикаDozens of foreign officers killed by hypersonic Kinzhal strike on NATO communications center

Dozens of foreign officers killed by hypersonic Kinzhal strike on NATO communications center

The missile hit a bunker at a depth of more than 100 meters

The results and details of the missile attack carried out by the Russian Aerospace Forces in early March have become known. According to the Greek portal of political and military information Pronews, citing its American sources, in Western Ukraine, a joint Ukrainian-NATO command and communications center located near Lviv was hit by a hypersonic «Dagger» in Western Ukraine.

The rocket got the bunker on depth greater than 100 meters

According to one of the Telegram channels, we are probably talking about the defeat of the “shadow general staff” of NATO in Ukraine. It was located underground at a depth of 400 feet (120 meters), where about 300 people worked, including officers and military advisers of the alliance.

As you know, on March 9, the Russian Ministry of Defense published in its official Telegram channel that in response to the terrorist actions organized by the Kiev regime in the Bryansk region on March 2, the Russian army launched a massive «retaliation strike.» The department stressed that the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system was used.

Pronews calls the strike inflicted by the Russian Kinzhal a «catastrophe for NATO forces in Ukraine», since the bunker housed an operations control and planning center NATO in this region. It was «protected by the Iris-R and NASAMS air defense systems, which were all destroyed in the impact.»

Pronews reports that «up to 200 NATO officers were killed and NATO operations in Ukraine suffered irreversible damage.»

According to the portal, only 40 bodies were recovered from the ruins of the destroyed center. The rest of the dead are still buried under the rubble. It is reported that «most of them are British and Polish, but there were also Americans and representatives of private companies that maintain communication and data transmission.»

Pronews believes that already «in the coming days it will be seen to what extent this will affect the conduct of Ukrainian and Western operations and attempts to stop the final phase of the Russian offensive on Bakhmut.»

The authors of the publication note that the Ukrainian leadership does not report about the defeat of the NATO bunker and the death of the Western military. However, it is known that the other day a delegation of representatives of the General Staff visited the American embassy in Kiev in order to transfer lists of Americans who died underground during this missile strike. near Lvov was the first, which led to such huge losses of Western military specialists. At the same time, according to Pronews, one can hardly expect any violent reaction in European capitals on this occasion. Otherwise, it could be an open admission of the active participation of NATO troops in the war against Russia.

Hypersonal «Dagger», accelerating to a speed of 10 times the speed of sound, in itself has enormous kinetic energy. This allows him to penetrate deep underground, where the warhead is detonated.


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