GENERICO.ruЭкономикаThe Ministry of Digital Development has developed a procedure for working with secret electronic documents

The Ministry of Digital Development has developed a procedure for working with secret electronic documents

They can be coordinated via videoconferencing

The Regulations on the Procedure for Handling Electronic Documents for Official Use (DSP) were developed by the Ministry of Digital Development.

They can be agreed upon via video conferencing

In Russia, there is a procedure for handling chipboard documents, approved by a draft government decree back in 1994. For obvious reasons, it regulates only the work with paper documents, while electronic document management (EDM) has long become a daily practice at all levels of government. The document developed by the ministry fills this gap.

As it became known to MK, in some details the new procedure will be similar to the regulatory paper workflow: in both cases, we are talking about official information of limited access.

But there is a lot of specific in the new document. For example, documents for official use in electronic form are signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. Such documents are stored in certified information systems that meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. EDI systems must meet the requirements for cryptographic information protection tools established by the federal executive body responsible for ensuring security. In addition, it is allowed to coordinate electronic documents of the chipboard using videoconferencing, but only if they do not contain state secrets.

The internal procedure for handling documents for the official use of certain organizations is proposed self-approve by their leaders. At the same time, in subordinate bodies and organizations, the internal procedure is developed taking into account the provisions of the procedure approved by the higher authority.


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