GENERICO.ruСпортMedvedeva is happier than ever. Who is to blame for her love?

Medvedeva is happier than ever. Who is to blame for her love?

Someone boring came up with the idea that happiness loves silence. Two-time world champion Evgenia Medvedev cannot be attributed to such people. However, until recently, she led a rather closed lifestyle.

In social networks, it seems wide open. In fact, everything is verified and dosed. Here is merch with teddy bears, here is an advertisement for a marketplace, there is elegant makeup and a branded handbag. Nothing personal, maximum — a photo in a bathing suit or favorite bulldogs.

You can look but don't touch. You can get close, but not be able to feel the living warmth. The natural payoff for successfully monetizing a person through a social media account is gaps in sincerity. This is exactly what happens to all popular bloggers one day, even if they are figure skating champions. Behind a commercially attractive facade, a person with his weaknesses and feelings ceases to appear.

Recently, something happened to Zhenya. In the content plan, posts appeared without any thoughtful component. Not only the form has changed, but also the essence. She spends her holidays in the Maldives twice in a couple of months — why not, if there is such an opportunity. He openly says that he «had a hell of a highlighter» (this is a quote) for beautiful photos. It seems to be the first ever public obscenity from the always diplomatic Medvedeva. She admits that she allowed herself a long rest because she wanted to. This is a giant victory over herself for a perfectionist-excellent student, who is used to working every day on the principle of «die or die.»

Finally, Zhenya does not hesitate to post herself happy in all the swimsuits of the world and for the first time in her life openly declares about her boyfriend. He not only officially exists, we know his name — this is figure skater Dmitry Chigirev. Nothing is known about their love story yet, but even from the Maldives it is clear that Zhenya is glowing with happiness.

Medvedeva, like many, had a bitter experience of first love. From 16 to 18, she dated a guy who broke her heart. He left at one of the most difficult moments associated with understanding the defeat at the Olympics.

“You fall in love for the first time and can’t even imagine that you can love more. The Olympics are over. And at a difficult moment when it passed, right after it, this is how a person did it. Just in plain text:“ Thank you, I don’t need you anymore, u I'm all cool in life without you, yet! «After that, I almost turned up,» Medvedeva said in an interview. wp-content/uploads/2023/06/9eab03509beba6b927ffa093da75ed1d.jpgOf course, after that incident, she had a relationship, but she never advertised them. It is difficult for figure skaters to publicly tell who their boyfriend is. Ever since they've become something of a pop star with giant armies of fans and haters. They may doubt themselves, their boyfriend, or are simply afraid of the hype that will arise if they are recognized. Do not open too much and then you will not get hit in the most vulnerable place. According to this principle, Zhenya Medvedeva lived for many years.There was an aura of «strong and independent» around her. Everyone around knows that Zhenya is a «tascher». He is not afraid of new roles, or moving to the other side of the earth, or unpopular decisions. Mark Kondratyuk once called Medvedev a «successful woman» when she was a captain at the First Channel Cup. This was when he brought Zhenya to tears with a classy performance. But in the public view, strength and independence, as it were, contradict personal happiness. And they certainly interfere with being flexible and different.

In «Ice Age» we have already seen her different — soft, playful, daring, dramatic and sexy. However, it was all a make-believe. Acting impeccably, but without a sensual base. It is understandable, next to her were, in fact, business partners, and not close people. about inner freedom. She can do things that someone will seem stupid and reckless. Perhaps, she has never been so indifferent to outsiders' opinions. Therefore, we will not look beyond the obvious and only state the fact. How nice to see an adult, relaxed and happy Zhenya Medvedeva!

The opinion of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors


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