MOSCOW, Aug 29 The level of wages of Russians should rise, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the director of the Federal Bailiffs Service, Dmitry Aristov.
Head states stressed that it is about improving the well-being of citizens in general. According to him, now the situation in the labor market is stable, but it is always necessary to think about it.
The President noted that the FSSP has its own tasks that must be fulfilled. At the same time, he stressed that it is necessary to work with the population correctly.
The head of the Federal Bailiff Service, among other things, said that in Russia there is a separate category of debtors. According to him, these are people who do not officially work and do not receive income. At the same time, they have a lot of debts: on loans, on payments for housing and communal services, they borrow money from their neighbors and do not give it back, thus becoming «professional debtors.»
Putin, in turn, said that situations when people have nothing to pay their debts, this is the problem of the state. According to him, it is necessary to make sure that citizens do not have such life situations.