GENERICO.ruКультура"Evie" fined for the third time for LGBT scenes in films

«Evie» fined for the third time for LGBT scenes in films

MOSCOW, September 15 The Ostankino court in Moscow fined the online cinema «Ivi» one million rubles for showing two films with LGBT scenes without labeling » 18+,” the court said.
““IVI.RU LLC was sentenced to an administrative fine in the amount of one million rubles,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

The court did not specify which films were being discussed.

This is already the third protocol on “Ivi” under this article of the Administrative Code. Previously, the company was twice fined millions for showing the films “Little Italy”, “Dr. T and His Women”, “Love, Love, Love”, “Beginners” and “Perfect Strangers” without the “18+” label. As Roskomnadzor established, these films contain scenes with demonstrations of LGBT people.
The article of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Dissemination among minors of information demonstrating non-traditional sexual relationships and (or) preferences or that can cause minors to want to change their gender” appeared in the code at the end of last year.
It implies punishment in the form of fines of up to 4 million rubles; legal entities may also face administrative suspension of activities.

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